The best pipe inspections with underwater drones!


Challenging pipelines

Pipe inspections are increasingly necessary today. Pipes can have many different negative aspects that affect water, drainage and soundness of structures. We have recently come across many pipes that are (almost) completely silted up, have many cracks in them or where the seams no longer connect properly. Often this is no longer workable and a major repair operation must be carried out or pipes must even be replaced! This brings with it great costs, costs that could easily be prevented.

Inspectie_natte_leidingen-fotoHere there is also a lot of silt on the bottom, but the pipeline is otherwise in good condition.

What kind of pipes can we inspect?

We inspect almost all pipes that water runs through! With an assortment of drones, we can always pick the right drone for an inspection. This coordination means we always get the best possible results from our projects!

We inspect many pipes and conduits with runoff water. This is mainly rainwater and sludge, with the sludge usually consisting of sand, dust and pebbles.

In addition, we can also go through locks. These also need to be inspected regularly, which is easier with drones than with divers.

Both sewers and pipes full of oil, there is little we come across that we haven’t already done! However, we are always curious about new challenges you have in store for us.


The sonar never lets us down! We can always see underwater.

We perform the best inspections in pipes of at least 500mm in diameter. Here we can send in our DTG 3, which is one of our best drones! Smaller pipes are possible, but here we must first discuss the possibilities, which you can already contact us about!

What are we able to do?

  • Ultrasonic thickness measurements
  • Mapping damage
  • Conducting inspections in turbid water with the sonar
  • Taking water samples with the drone

For inspections this is enough, and we can basically map everything. So all pipes can be inspected properly with our drones! Besides inspecting, we also develop, and start offering more and more for you.

Soon (hopefully) so can we:

  • Capture everything in 3D models
  • Remove sludge
  • Perform repairs

What can we offer?

We offer several drones that can handle such inspections! You can do this all by yourself, which means that you always have full control over budget, time frames and images! For regular use, we therefore recommend you to buy a drone, which is a good investment in the long run. Which is also cheaper than constantly renting.

Do you want to do a one-time inspection? Or have an inspection done by professionals? Then you can hire us easily hire us and we will perform the inspection for you! We can offer you these different options:

  • Quality inspection with the desired result
  • Sonar and camera images, properly mounted and made user friendly.
  • Advice on possible next steps
  • 3D models of pipelines and locks

What did we already achieve?

We have already carried out major jobs for various companies and organisations. For example, we regularly work together with the Dutch Department of Public Works, for which we have carried out major assignments. We have also inspected many pipelines at Shell Rheinland, the largest refinery in Germany! We are a regular supplier of Shell Rheinland and in addition we also work together with several smaller organisations regarding developments and inspections!

We have been very active for large and small companies in different areas, and continue to develop in order to give the best results. We would like to have you as our customer, and show you what we can do for you, and what we are capable of!

Follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn to stay up to date with our developments!

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