The solution everyone is looking for: sonar and ROVs


Familiar with a firewater tank, culvert, or ship? Then it is nice to have an insight into the status of these structures. The objects just mentioned are just one example of what we can inspect with our ROVs thanks to sonar. Dry pumping or docking is a thing of the past, thanks to this development in the field of underwater inspections.

For us, the importance of inspection is preventive. We want to know if there is damage to an underwater asset that could pose a risk in the short or long term. You don’t need to inspect some structures as often as others, simply because their use is lower. You don’t need to inspect a bridge every time a car drives over it.

Your best friend on board
Ships are therefore a separate case. Unknown damage to a ship can have nasty consequences. Being aware of the status of the bow or plane before you set sail is useful information. A small leak, some rust or a lot of fouling are damage factors you want to keep a close eye on for optimal sailing. But putting the ship in dry dock or swimming underneath to keep an eye on it are not exactly the easiest or cheapest options right now.

While you stand dry on board, leaning on the gunwale, driving the ROV or letting us do the work, is then a better option. Not only is it easier, but also much more accurate.

Up to 200 metres crisp visibility
That accuracy is thanks to sonar. Our ROVs are equipped with this state-of-the-art technology to detect every hairline crack. Visibility in most waters is far from clear, making underwater surveys difficult with the naked eye.

Sonar sees right through floating sediment and other disturbing factors. This allows you to detect objects up to 200 metres away at the same quality as 10 centimetres. A tool that has already helped detect damage to underwater infrastructure, ships and during search and rescue missions on many occasions.

Time and again, the technology of sonar on our ROVs proves itself in underwater inspections. We hear nothing but positive feedback when we deliver our reports using sonar. At least, we do hear that it is sometimes difficult to read the sonar. That is why we explain what is visible on the sonar and compare it with our 4K camera images, if possible. Transparency is of great importance to us.


Below is a video of a ship inspection with both 4K images, and sonar. Judge for yourself the quality of our sonar and who knows, you might see a solution in your own area!

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